Having spent the best part of 25 years sat next to my mother at Brisbane Rd watching our beloved O’s together it should come as no surprise that I don’t think that sporting events are a strange place to find woman and girls hanging out together. That said, I never did think the day would come that I would be seen heading to watch WWE live with a daughter of my own! Football yes, but grown men in pants pretending to want to beat each other up? Not so much!
But the day arrived and, with one very exited 5-year-old daughter and an even more excited 33-year-old friend, I headed to Wembley Arena for my very first experience of Wrestling! As soon as we got off the train you could feel the excitement in the air, these wrestling fans really take things very seriously. WWE themed clothing seamed very important, we must have stood out like a sore thumb in
our dresses!

After having located my friend and heading inside for our VIP reception (ohhh fancy) I felt pleased to spot Tanya and Kate (who thankful were NOT wearing wrestling t-shirts) across the room for a quick catch up.

After some very tasty canapes, a quick play with some wrestling toys and a very exciting meet and greet with The Bella Twins (who were adorable with little S and made her feel very special) it was time to head downstairs to take our seats ready for the main event of the evening.

The atmosphere was fantastic, a little quieter than I thought it would be as we were quite high up, but that was perfect for S as it wasn’t too overwhelming. After being a little confused by what on Earth everyone was singing and chanting at to begin with, S soon got it the groove and was counting and cheering with the best of them. The show was well timed and never dull. All very pantomime, suitable for all ages for sure! I was a little worried about how violent it was going to appear to be, but you could see that it wasn’t encouraging violence, it was all very ‘set-up’ and S understood no one was really getting hurt.
Thankfully the friend we took with us is a walking, talking WWE encyclopaedia so he could fill us in during each fight who was the goody and who were baddies. S got really excited when the Bella Twins came on having met them an hour earlier, and I got equally excited when John Cena came on because, well, YUM!
All in all we had a fantastic evening. It was a late one for a school night (we didn’t get home until gone midnight), but it’s not like we do it everyday!
If you have wrestling fans I really would recommend the live WWE shows, great entertainment for all the family, and certainly an evening they wont forget for a long time to come. We can’t wait for WWE to return to London next spring, S is already asking for ringside seats at the O2 for her birthday!
Thanks to WWE Live for the tickets – you have given S an experience she will never forget.
I love the WWE I haven’t seen a live show for about 15 years! It is very pantomime but a lot of fun! John Cena is very Yum isn’t he….hehehe