Category Archives: Family



Gruffalo Woods Brentwood

Now work is getting busier for me and The Essex Husband is back on a Monday-Friday shift pattern, our weekends have become even more precious.  The one just gone we headed down to the Gruffalo Woods Brentwood for a little Essex Gruffalo Hunting.

The Gruffalo Woods Brentwood, set within Thorndon Country Park, is a wonderfully fun adventure for all the family.  It’s not that big of an area to walk around, plus it has recently had the addition of paths in some areas allowing better access for buggies. Costing only £3 for parking, and with no entry fee, it’s a must visit for all Gruffalo loving children. Read More →

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I hate bullies.

I know they always say you shouldn’t judge something you don’t understand, but in this instance I’m going against that and putting it out there; I despise them.

At school we are often told that a bully is someone who is crying out for help, possibly taking their problems out on someone else.  Fine. With the right support and guidance they may change, or maybe they won’t.  And what if they aren’t held to account? What if the person bullied is the one to be told to change/to fit in more? Make more of an effort to not be different.

I was once advised to not Read More →

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We haven’t always got on. I haven’t always seen your point of view, and you certainly haven’t always seen mine.  But then how boring would life be if everyone were the same?

Life has been tough at times, but I know you have always lived yours with my needs at the forefront. We may not be conventional, but we are us, and that’s something I’m so very proud of.

You have always shown me how to be strong; sometimes by example, sometimes by allowing me to make the opposite choice you did. Read More →

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A small pile of potatoes freshly dug from the ground.

….go potato picking. Read More →

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Six long glorious weeks of summer have come to an end and reality has come back to bite me in the bum.  S headed back to school last week and O went back to pre-school three days a week this Monday.

I still can’t work out how I feel about this.

One thing I do know is that now, with 3 days at home sans small people, I can finally put my master plan into action.  Having started a part-time job at the start of the summer (huge mistake, I missed the girls far too much), I have now taken a step back from the world of office work once again to concentrate on building up my own business.

It’s hard, the anxiety that comes with Read More →

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This week the glorious lazy days of summer finally come to an end *sobs* and we are all getting ready for the ‘back to school’ race.

Last summer we had all our uniform bought and pressed by August 1st, S was starting big school and we were all very excited, but this year I have taken a little more relaxed approach to it all.  And when I say relaxed, I clearly mean I’ve ignored it all for as long as possible and then set about panicking in a very un-Bristsh like manor! Read More →

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Photographic Tips For Parents

I have been trying really hard this summer to improve my photography.  No matter if I am using my iPhone or my ‘big camera’ I knew that with just a little more effort on my part I could take some snaps I would really be proud of.

When PhotoBox got in touch to let me know about a fab new handy guide they had developed for parents and grand parents to help them take better photos, I jumped at the chance to find out more. Read More →

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S had her first holiday romance. They made each other loom bands and he gave her shiny stones from the beach, they shared food and stories of school, he told her she was his favoutie holiday friend, she promised to write.

Seeing her face looking at him as we said goodbye honestly broke my heart, with little concept of how far Essex is from York she was unaware that this boy would never be seen again, but she still looked so sadden to be parting even for now.

2 weeks on and his name is still spoken with affection. Read More →

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Working within the world of blogging and media I have had some weird and wonderful opportunities come my way.  Some fun, some bizarre and some that money honestly could not buy.

One of the most exciting has to be the day I got to meet tennis coach, and mum to two Wimbledon champions, Judy Murray.  As a sports mad mum of two myself I was sure that my day would be spent nodding in agreement with all Judy had to say.  I was NOT disappointed.  Judy was lovely, so natural and friendly, with a genuine love of sport and strong desire to get all children enjoying being active. It was very clear to see that she had played an instrumental part in the sporting success of both of her sons.  Her enthusiasm was infectious. The day has had a lasting impression on me. Read More →

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Best Essex Festivals 2014

Long gone are the days where Essex only had V festival to offer the world, nowadays there are LOADS of great Essex festivals popping up all over the place. Great for families, great for food and great for music….this list of the best Essex festivals 2014 is sure to have something for everyone.

Best Essex Festivals 2014

Brentwood Festival, Brentwood Centre – 18th, 19th and 20th of July

Designed for festival lovers young and old, Brentwood festival is fast becoming know as one of the best Essex festivals 2014. With the likes of UB40 and Alexander O’Neal taking to the stage over the weekend alongside some of the best local artists and cover bands on the festival circuit, Brentwood Festival is showing that it means business and is here to stay.

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