My Dearest Husband,
I am not what you would call a traditional romantic, I think I’m too much of a practical person for all that. The best thing is that you don’t mind, neither are you.
What I feel for you is a deep, eternal, unbounding love. When I sit here and think about how much I love you my heart races and my eyes well up, you are my whole world and more. But to show this in front of others, to make a public declaration of my love…how would I even start?
Flowers? Chocolates? A new shirt? Would that demonstrate how you changed my life and made it worth living again? A weekend away? A night at the theatre? dinner for two? Would that explain to you how thankful I am, from the bottom of my heart, that you chose me to build a life with?
I just don’t think it would do my feelings justice. I don’t think anything like that could ever do ‘us’ justice.
So how could I show you that my life would fall apart without you? That you are at the heart of everything that I hold dear in life. My partner, my mentor, my friend.
I could make enough dinner so that you have left-overs for lunch the next day. I could make you laugh with stories of each awkward situation I had got myself in that day. I could give you space to grow, while continuing to work on growing myself. I can let you go out into the world with confidence, knowing that no matter where life may take you, you will always come home to me. I could kiss you goodnight each evening and fall asleep in your arms.
For me, the best way for me to show you how much I care is to keep life just the way it is.
Our life is the most wonderful kind of ordinary I could have asked for.
I don’t need and grand gestures and heart stopping moments, because for as long as your hand is within reach of mine I will have all the love I need.
Today, tomorrow and forever….
Your Wife xxx
WIN a £50 GreatBritishFlorist voucher to spoil someone you love this February thanks to StressFreePrint and #SendTheLove.
All you need to do to enter is comment with your favourite valentines memory. Closes at 11.59pm on Feb 15th 2015. Winner will be picked at random. GOOD LUCK
This post is in partnership with StressFreePrint….we cant wait to see how the winner will #SendTheLove
I went into labour with our first son on Valentine’s Day afternoon 2004! I drove myself to the hospital because my partner was at football practice. When I arrived at the hospital I was told I was 5cm dilated so I rang my partner and he came straight over. However, the labour was slow at first so my partner decided to go back home to shower and change. During the labour, I was only allowed to sip water incase I needed an epidural or c-section so I wasn’t smiling when he returned to the hospital to tell me he had quickly cooked and eaten the two steaks we had planned on cooking for our special Valentine’s dinner that evening! ‘well I was starving’ I remeber him saying! Anyway, our son was born at 12 minutes past midnight so he just missed out on being a Valentine’s baby (though he was four weeks early!) So every Valentine’s day since 2004, I always think of going into labour and missing out on my steak!
This time last year I was about to go on my first date with my boyfriend. He had been chasing me for months but I didn’t want to start dating again. He’s not romantic in the slightest but I had the giddy feeling:D
As part of a Valentine’s trip a few years ago, my girlfriend and I took a trip to Paris. I had planned to propose and smuggled the ring through in a sock in my luggage. On the day the box was too big to fit discreetly in my pocket, so I had it sat loose in there! I was so afraid I would lose it I kept my coat on all morning, even though it was quite a warm day. My girlfriend thought it was very strange I wouldn’t take it off while we had breakfast! When she asked me where we could go after breakfast, I almost shouted EIFFEL TOWER! at her. My plan was to propose at the top, but unfortunately after a long queue the top was closed that day and we could only get 2/3rds of the way up! So that’s where I proposed, 2/3rds of the way up the Eiffel Tower as a Valentine’s memory. It was too cramped to kneel so I just squeezed the ring out and clutched it in my hand while I asked her, again afraid I would drop it over the edge! She said yes! Now we are married and have an 18 month old son
Good Valentines memories of the trip!
My first boyfriend sent me the biggest bouquet of flowers to my workplace. I had to go and pick them up from the Reception and walk back through other offices – it was embarrassing at the time as they were nearly as big as me but it was a very lovely moment
A couple of years ago, we were in Athens. He’d forgotten to buy a card before we came, so made one from a tourist brochure featuring Aphrodite. Simple but delightful. And we were able to eat out under the stars, with a fantastic view of the Acropolis
I met a guy on a night out on valentines day a few years ago this was before the dats of social media etc.. We really hit it off had a dance at the end of the night we exchanged numbers. unfortunately I lost my phone and apart from his first name didn’t have anything to go on! Couldn’t find him as there was no Facebook etc!!!! About a week later I was in work and the song that we had danced to came on the radio I remembered he and felt sad. As the song finished the DJ was talking to someone and it was him!!!! He wanted to find me!!! Could not believe it! We have been together every since!!!!
my husband proposed 26 years ago
My husband proposed on Valentines Day, always special for us now!
Mine is when my husband took me for an overnight stay at a lovely spa hotel and out for a lovely dinner!
Getting a mug for Valentine’s Day ……he hasn’t done it since.
I’m not one for romantic gestures either but your letter had me welling up. My husband and my boys are my world. When I went to doc when pregnant with my second baby he said ‘another valentines night with nothing better to do’ -cheeky! (Both boys were due second week of November!)
A weekend in Barcelona back in 1999. Wonderful memories.
Getting married on Valentines day will always be my greatest valentines memory! What a romantic day!
my ex (haha) sung in the street and presented me with a single rose and chocolates
getting nothing for valentines day
I got whisked off to a gorgeous boutique hotel in my favourite city, Bristol. We had a phenomenal meal and I truly felt like a princess! It was the best Valentine’s day ever <3
Well not really had a significant other on Valentines’ Day (think they split up so they didn’t have to buy me a card even). But we saw a fav rockband (split up now unfortunately, and they were never going to be BIG but we liked them to say the least) on Valentines’ Day a couple of years ago. At the end of the concert they used to throw guitar picks into the crowd, but this particular concert my favourite member of the band actually handed me his guitar pick from the stage. I got photos and a hug after when they came to meet the fans. Oh and the lead singer was walking down to the venue and I was going to the shop to get something to eat, but as soon as he saw me he started waving and took time out of his day to speak.
being took to paris a few years ago on valentines day it was awesome
a night at a posh hotel with flowers and champagne is was so romantic
My wonderful husband got on one knee , in the sea in Turkey … After nearly drowning he asked me to marry him … The best valentines day ever
Been with my partner for 13 years and we are still as much in love now as when we were first together. We don’t actually celebrate Valentines Day as we tell each other how much we love each other every single day. Never go to bed on an argument and always say I love you before you leave! Every day is Valentines
Just married! My husband proposed to me last Valentine’s Day and we first met at Paddington Station on Valentines! This will be our first Valentines as Mr & Mrs!
most romantic thing I got was dinner then a heart firework that disappeared into the night without being seen lol
Shaking like a leaf last year when I proposed to my girlfriend. Apparently she never knew but the sweat stains gave it away lol
Me and my husband started going out at the beginning of February 2011 and falling mid month, neither of us had any money to go out. My mum insisted that I took some money from her and my older sister drove us there and back so that we could go out for a drink. It was such a lovely night. 14yrs on and 3 sons later we’re still going strong.
My partner and i worked together for around 3 years before we got together. Last year we were on shift together, and i received a phone call to come outside of the office, so I went. I was met there by my lovely partner in crime with a massive smile on his face. He told me he loved me very much, and gave me a massive kiss. this made my Valentines day, but when I walked back into the office building there was a HUGEEEEE bouquet of roses and a big balloon sat on my desk. So romantic – especially for someone I thought didn’t know the meaning of romance
It made my Valentine’s day.
2004 when my then girlfriend said yes to my proposal. We have been married over 10 years now and have 4 children.
I was hoping this one would be special as we get married in July but as my little girl has just thrown up in my hands I’m not holding out huge hope. Last year was pretty good though fillet steak and champagne
Giving my hubby some Tigger boxer shorts! He found them hilarious
it was my engagement – after a delicious surprise dinner.
A surprise trip to Paris
I was presented with a bouquet of a dozen red roses and whisked out for a very posh meal – at 18 it was unforgettable
my husband making me cookies spelling out i love you, even though hes rubbish at baking!
My boyfriend learned how to play All of Me of piano (Ive been trying to teach him for ages) and performed it to me in front of all my friends <3
My husband proposing to me in our favourite restaurant with knee on floor 13 years ago!
receiving a dozen red roses
ive never had a valentines night out
A trip in a hot air balloon
My (now) husband proposed to my on Valentine’s Day 2 years ago. He’d decided that was the day to do it, had a ring ready that had been in grandmother’s , but clearly felt he had to get it out of the way. Rather than wait for a romantic moment later in the day , he woke me up, proposed, and then we both had to go off to work. I wish I’d been a little more awake
Last year my fiancé surprised me with a Weird Fish Macaroni – might not seem romantic but best pressie ever as would never have spent the money on it myself!
a romantic weekend away in london with my fiance, it was lovely and we had a lot of fun
My best Valentine memory has to be a surprise weekend away to Paris with my partner and best friend of 10 years when I thought we were going out for a meal and hotel overnight.
He spoilt me rotten with Jewellery and clothes on our first day and then on the second we went up the Eiffel tower and he proposed
Getting my first ever Valentines Card
Although tonight I am 100 miles away from my valentine today is very special as I am with my daughter and new born grandson.
My hubby bought me a limited edition print on Valentines day a few years ago, called Dare to Dream by Charlotte Atkinson. It is beautiful and he says it reminds him of me as I have always dreamed high and achieved by dreams and goals. Today, Valentin’s day 2015 he bought another limited edition print by Sheree Valentine Daines called Daisy Field. It is beautiful. He is a very romantic considerate husband (of 25 years)
I have yet to make a memorable valentines.
When my ex boyfriend had 20 red roses, chocolates and teddy delivered to me at my work when I was really ill. It cheered me up so much.
Out for a meal then a movie
My husband got me an apple and a plum tree for valentines day, he knows me too well
It has to be a surprise trip to Paris with a boyfriend. He had organised some fab things to do whilst there including going to see the crazy horse show.
i have been with my husband for 10 years but for our first valentines day when I got off the metro, after a long day at work, to collect my car there was a single red rose under the windscreen wiper. Very romantic xx
My husband proposed and I accepted, a week after we first met. I had been divorced and widowed and was still only 26. He turned my life around and now 33 years later I have lots of memories of being totally spoilt on Valentines Day. This year it is a meal at the Millennium Centre followed by a performance of The Magic Flute. I am truly blessed and VERY grateful.
I had my first date on Valentines day aged 15!
The same guy then proposed to me on Valentines day aged 19 on bended knee in front of a restaurant full of people on Valentines day! I accepted and although we aren’t together or on touch today, I still treasure the memories!
this was our first valentines as a married couple so it was special just to spend time together
I met my current wife online. Our 1st date was over Valentines day and I took her to Amsterdam. We fell in love at first sight and were married a few months later.
getting engaged on Valentines Day 39 years ago!
Getting roses and chocs and champagne and nice romantic meal.
my husband (was boyfriend then) took me out for a posh meal on our first valentine day together. I was so nervous I couldn’t eat and there were 7 courses to get through! He took me out on Sunday 15th and I always joke and say he took his other girlfriend out on the 14th feb! We have been together 27 years and have 3 kids 24, 18 and 12.
A simple one. A night in with a Chinese. No need for grand gestures if the card is thoughtful.
Actually on Valentines Day I can’t really say there’s been much in the way of romance. That’s not to say I’ve not had romance – just not on that specific day. Most romantic non-Valentines moment? My other half actually cooked a lovely meal, bought me a gorgeous bottle of wine and didn’t let me do dishes, or housework or lift a finger. Perfect. x
Valentine’s Day 1990 was our wedding day, and we celebrated our Silver Wedding Anniversary yesterday, a day I thought we would never see after my husband developed throat cancer in 1995.
A previous partner of mine surprised me by taking me to dinner at a really fancy hotel… then after dinner we went upstairs to find he had booked a suite and we were staying overnight! So romantic
watching the fireworks over a romantic meal in Darling Harbor in Sydney
I got beautiful handmade earrings.
My husband got a card made by our son-at school shows what a special Dad/Man he is!
My husband for showing him that despite failing his exams I’m proud that he is still carrying on to the end.
A beautiful orchid from my boyfriend, who is my husband still 32 years later.
12 Red roses on our 1st wedding anniversary
My favourite memory was one year where me and Brad Pitt strolled through the beaches of Miami, before heading off to a luxury suite with a bucket of strawberries and a bottle of champagne. Oh wait, that might have been a dream….