Thanks Santa, hope to see you soon…

…this is how S ended her letter to Father Christmas this year.  For some reason it really made me laugh! With her literacy skills flying at school I was really excited to let her loose with some of my treasured stationary and see what letter she could come up with all on her own.

I was a little worried as to what she may put down present wise without my supervision, but she knew that her and O could ask for just 5 things each so I trusted her judgement and allowed her some first steps towards independence.

S had been speaking lots in the weeks leading up O’s birthday about what toys she would like for Christmas. There has been talk of Barbies, Lego, clothes, shoes, a piano, trampoline, iPad, books and board games – so I was excited/nervous to see what had made the cut!

Once she has finished her letter she came rushing in so proudly ready to show us what she had done.  The writing was fantastic, and everything she had asked for was sensible and within the budget-  but what really got me was that she had asked for Frozen dolls and Peter Rabbit teddy bears we had seen in Tesco for little O too. So thoughtful. S is such an amazing big sister, the kind I used of dream about having being an only child. They fight, of course they do, but those girls are closer than I could have ever wished for, I burst with pride when I see them together.

Screen shot 2014-11-18 at 10.12.07

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One Thought on “Thanks Santa, Hope To See You Soon…

  1. Kim Carberry on November 18, 2014 at 4:19 pm said:

    Aww! How adorable!! S sounds like a very thoughtful girl x

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