I have been thinking a lot recently about the future. Maybe its the Big Birthday I have approaching, maybe its the fact I now have a school age child, or maybe it’s because, no matter how hard I try to fight it, I really am starting to feel like a grown up.
Whatever it is, its scaring me how sensible I am becoming.
I care a lot more about the balance (or lack of balance) in my saving account these days. Everything has a budget, a list, a plan. I want the best possible life for my family, and it takes an awful lot of hard work. If that’s what being a grown up is about, then I guess I can get onboard with that.
Renovating The En Suite
Our house is somewhere a lot of my planning and energy is going at the moment. This is to be the house we live in for a very long time, so I want to make it perfect.
This hunt for perfection is becoming somewhat of an obsession. I have always had dreams about building my own home (I blame good old Kevin and his Grand Designs), but after a few late nights of searching Strutt and Parker land for sale I came to the conclusion that project manager I was not. So it was back to the drawing board, literally.
My problem is I want to do everything at once. Not content with just planning my lounge and waiting for that to be completed I have now moved on to the plans for renovating the En Suite . I am halving it in size, tuning one half into a walk in closet and keeping the other as a bathroom. This excited me greatly, after all what woman doesn’t dream of walking into her wardrobe?, but it has also turned me into somewhat of an ablution anorak. My friend Vicki (who is also mid home redecoration) and I have become obsessed with toilets, talking endless over coffee about the pro and cons of each of our choices, finally settling on these eco-friendly bad boys as our toilet choice de jour. I have even, in one decor fueled moment of madness, uttered to her something along the lines of ‘YES, deciding on the tile adhesive IS just as important as the tiles themselves’.
I need help!
Most of my nerves are around having to choose a builder, that’s a job for grown-ups isn’t it? I’m not that fond of the responsibility. However the thought of having a blank space to convert into the walk-in wardrobe of my dreams once the hard labour is over fills me with unadulterated joy.
All those shelves and rails full of perfectly displayed clothes ready for me to selected from everyday….it’s an Essex Girls dream.
….and a really go excuse to go shopping.
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