Where has the time gone? It’s been two weeks since I last sat down and wrote one of these (naughty Alice) but I honestly do not know where the past month has gone.
The last fortnight has seen me lost under a pile of mince pies, wrapping paper and festivities. It has all been very nice don’t get me wrong, I just don’t know how I’ll fit everything in that I need to do before the big day arrives.
Christmas, for this Essex family, is a time to have fun, be thankful and make memories. We do remember the religious side. Through living close to a beautiful cathedral, and having a daughter at church school, I have at least four carol services in the diary within the next week alone. But the main theme running through our festivities is thankfulness.
I am thankful for my family, my children, my friends and my health. Others are not so lucky, others don’t have all that we do. My thoughts and prayers are with them always. If any good can come of the suffering in this world, I think that it should be to make people grateful for all they you have, and appreciate the wonderful things there are in the world. I am thankful every day for my lovely life.
Essex And The City - 13th December 2013
We have been spending lots of time together as a family over the past few weeks. Visits to the theatre, Thanksgiving dinner at Goat, taking S for her very first spin around an ice rink. It’s been really magical!
I have tried not to let work take over, planning for my new venture is taking shape and this blog is going from strength to strength, but I made a promise to myself that December would be family first, and it’s one I am determined to stick to.
This weekend sees us head back up to London for some Ice Skating at Somerset House and then onto Winter Wonderland for mulled wine and bumper cars. Quality time spent with the people I love the most.
Sunday we are having our annual Christmas party at Essex HQ. So far on the menu we have baked ham, mince pie cinnamon sticks and christmas cocktails – I’m sure the menu will grow between now and then, so I will be sure to share with any great recipes I find.
I can’t believe there is only one more Essex and The City left to write before Christmas – I better getting wrapping those presents.
Essex And The City is a weekly feature from www.anessexwife.com so be sure to check back next Friday for more exciting tales from Essex HQ