Last week we are asked to visit our local Clarks store to report back on the process of buying Clarks childrens shoes. Now I don’t need an excuse to go shopping, but this was a good enough one for me. S was very excited about getting some new ‘big girl’ boots for her first winter at school, so she needed no convincing either.

Clarks Children Shoes

As we entered the Chelmsford store for our pre-booked appointment, I was instantly impressed by our host talking directly to S about what shoes she wants. For me, members of staff that talk to children directly, and appear comfortable around them, are a massive plus point for the customer experience of a family. Children grow up so fast, even at almost 5 S knows what she wants, and it made her day to be asked directly.

Having correctly fitting shoes is so important for growing feet which is why I swear by Clarks childrens shoes. To have their feet correctly measured, then receive expert advice on how well they fit, is priceless when it comes to doing right by my little ladies.

S picked 3 pairs of boots, all very well made but varying in terms of style. Clarks have pulled their collections right up to date in order to appeal to all families, however I’m still more of a fan of the traditional shoes and boots they have on offer. We decided on a lovely pair of brown leather boots and S set about prancing round the shop to see how they fit.

She was encouraged to see if she could walk in them, skip in them, jump in them and tell a funny joke in them. The attention she received was lovely.

I would recommend visiting Clarks after school. It was fairly quiet so we got great service as they didn’t have a queue forming behind us. Plus booking a fitting in advance guarantees there will be someone there to serve you on arrival, great if you have little ones that don’t like waiting around.

Clarks Children Shoes

So after time spent having our feet measured, looking at shoes, trying them on and picking our favourite, this was the end result. Beautiful!Clarks Children Shoes

We were given vouchers towards our purchase, but as always all views are my own.

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