With half term upon us, and O finally getting her passport through, we thought a day trip to Calais would be a fun activity for us to enjoy as a family.
As the holiday season is soon to arrive, stocking up on wine and beer will be high on our agenda, as will sampling some of the local bread and cheese. We would also like to see what cute villages are not to far of a drive. As, with it being only a day trip to Calais, our time is limited.

Image Credit www.justcampingfrance.co.uk
Day Trip To Calais – The Planning
First on my list of planning for our day trip to Calais was making sure all was ok with my car. I have never driven abroad before so I knew that I would need to check everything twice to make sure I was covered with my AA and insurance. Luckily, thanks to very helpful call centers, I was able to give them both a quick ring and talk though my polices to check that all was in order for driving in Europe. I know I wont need to do this each time I travel, but it was a great way to put my mind at rest for my first journey.
When driving in France there are certain things you must have in your car, one quick trip to Halfords and my car was fully stocked with all the must have (including the essential high visibility jacket, emergency triangle, GB sticker and headlight deflectors)
Aside from the above list I also wanted to make sure the journey would be enjoyable. The girls will pick a toy, book and gmae each to take with them in the car and, thanks to the lovely people at Little Tikes sending us home with some great car tidy products from their event last week, they each have their own storage as well.
Now for the fun part of planning our day trip to Calais – where to visit. The Essex Husband has been on the search for the best wine warehouse to use, but I think we may shop around when we get there.
For lunch we have been looking at nearby villages to visit. I think we are going to be typically British and head to the tried and tested Boulogne. By all accounts it is well signposted (great for a first time driving abroad) and has a wide variety of places to eat and shop once there. After lunch I think a trip to the NausicaĆ” sealife centre will be in order. Home to over 35,000 fish and other marine creatures, NausicaĆ” is the ultimate undersea family day out. A little treat for the girls in amongst our grown-up day out.
Once the car is fully loaded with wine, and our belly’s fully loaded with cheese, it’ll be back the ferry and back to blighty. Our first time abroad as a family of 4 complete.
I’m getting excited about our day trip to Calais just talking about it – bring it on.
Oh how lovely I hope you have a fab time, was good to see you at the Next event, shame we never got to chat but I am sure we will bump into each other again x