Kesgrave Hall Review. Luxury for all the family.
If I could afford to live in any hotel it would certainly be one from the Milsoms group. From the country house luxury of Masion Talbooth to the seaside charm of The Pier, Milsoms represents all that is great with British culture. Being invited to stay for a Kesgrave Hall review was just so exciting for us.
With one child in full-time school and the other soon to start nursery, time together as a family is more precious than ever. To celebrate Scarlett’s first full month as school, reconnect with each other, and have a weekend off from the madness that is family life, we decided a mini-break was in order.
Set in the Suffolk countryside, this boutique hotel on the outskirts of Ipswich, is full of warmth and charm. Family friendly, but not in a plastic play area and dinner in a box kind of way, Kesgrave Hall is 4 star luxury family travel at its best.
Our suite was set in its own private cottage, meaning we weren’t disrupting other guests if the girls woke up early or got a little noisy with all the excitement going on. This really allowed the Essex Husband and I to relax and made our break even more enjoyable. With the girls having their own room we all got some sleep, but it also allowed us some grown up time when they hit the sack. Nothing worse than lights out at 7pm when staying in a hotel because the children needed to go to bed.
The food, well where do I start. Dinner was an informal, yet stylish, affair. The children’s menu at Kesgrave Hall is always a hit with Scarlett due to the smoked salmon starter, and The Essex Husband always eats like a king with Milsons as the menu really does favor the carnivore palette. Even for me though, not really a meat lover, the food is always exquisite, as is the service. Friendly staff, swift service and great chefs – what more could you ask for?
The grounds of Kesgrave Hall are perfect for families. Large open space, footballs, goals, woods and (weather permitting) deck-chairs on the lawn. You really do feel welcome as family here, no ‘children should be seen and not heard’ vibes at all. Even fellow, child free, patrons appreciate that it is a family venue. I have never been so proud as when an elderly gentleman approached our table on the first night at dinner to tell us what well-behaved young ladies we have, I may have even shed a tear at the table once he returned to his meal.
Is their any greater compliment than one paid to your children?
Family days out are plentiful and within easy reach of Kesgarve Hall too, we had two wonderful adventures when staying with them at Jimmys Farm and BeWILDerwood.
If you are looking for a half term family break or a pre-Christmas treat, and are tempted by this Kesgrave Hall review, then take a look at the special offers on the Milsons website. They have a wonderful offer on at the moment specially for visitors to Kesgrave Hall.
Autumn In Suffolk
Hopefully the sunshine will continue throughout October and November. So we’ve put together a great overnight break at milsoms Kesgrave Hall to tempt you to indulge in a night away before the autumn.
What’s included?
• Three course dinner (free choice from the a la carte menu, so no hidden supplements)
• Overnight accommodation in the best available room when you book
• Full breakfast£100 per person any day of the week from Tuesday1st – Friday 29th November 2013.
This offer is based on double occupancy and is subject to availability.
For full information and more offers please visit We simply cant wait to go back.
Disclaimer – we were treated to a complimentary two night stay at Kesgrave Hall to review their facilities however all views expressed are our own.
Cor! Looks awesome!