Once upon a time I was a party girl. If TOWIE had have been filmed 10 years earlier I think I may have had a shameful legacy to show the grandchildren. I can’t deny it wasn’t fun, it was a blast, and I have certainly been left with some stories to tell.
Yet now, after a whirlwind courtship, newborn baby, house purchase, wedding, second baby and few (dozen) sleepless, my party ways may have been scaled down somewhat.
I’m not ready to hang up my (any colour but white) stilettos yet though, I’ve still got a good few years left in me to be a bad influence.
Just ask my two beautiful girlfriends Lucy and Cara, rumor has I led them astray a few weekends back. I get the blame for everything. Can’t think why???
After a few drinks at a lovely bar in town we decided to head to Evoke, a relatively new nightclub that is quickly becoming a big deal in Essex.
Now I feel the need to prefix the rest of this story with the fact that I had already been out all day at a local festival, and may have had a few (too many) drinks before my night even started.
The very generous and talented DJ Richie Don had arranged us a table and a few drinks upstairs in the VIP area, and to be honest even though we were at least 5 years older than most of the other clubbers the night only kept getting better and better.
The music at Evoke was spot on. A great mix of old school classics and on trend club tunes. Everybody looked like they were having a great time. Nightspots in Essex tend to have a reputation for trouble makers but if there was any trouble at Evoke then it was news to me. The door and bar staff had a great way of keeping a handle on everything, and even put up with my drunken ramblings about the lack of cocktail menu. #firstworldproblems.
We danced and danced and then danced some more. Now as the responsible mothers that we are, especially as we all had days out planned with our families the following morning, we obviously couldn’t stay out too late could we…..but the thing is, time flies when you are having fun. Somehow, accidently, and completely unplanned by me *cough*, we may have got a little distracted with all the drinking and dancing to keep a check on the time.
On closer inspection of my handbag the next morning (doing the dreaded ‘did I put anything on my credit card last night’ check) I found a cash machine receipt for 3.30am. Taxi Money. Ouch!
I also found a fair few unexplained bruises…when will I learn??
Hopefully never.
Evoke, I will be back, I hear you are hosting Kisstory again soon.
Got room for a girl who remembers the songs the first time round?

Ahh fab! I still love a good night out….Not as often as I used to but my friends and I certainly make the most of it when we’re let out and leave our men babysitting….hehehe