Operation Yummy Mummy

So 4 years, 1 wedding, 2 babies and A LOT of fun has not had the best effect on my waistline.  I’m am hereby vowing to do something about that.

I will be blogging about this and updating you all fortnightly on how I am getting on…wish me luck


Week 1 (14/09/12)  

(I have decided to go by measurements not weight and will be updating fortnightly) 

Hips - 105cm

Waist - 96cm

Bingo Wings - 30cm

Dress Size - 12-14

Feelings - Im excited, looking forward to having a focus and getting back in shape.  I have started a Pinterest board with all the outfits  am looking forward to wearing once I am back in a size 10 as ‘thinspiration’.  Felling motivated.

One Response to Operation Yummy Mummy

  1. Rhazel says:

    YES! YES! YES! To stop making exceuss is the KEY! I have finally learned this and it makes all the difference. There is always time. In fact, finding that time has become sort of a game for me.My latest strategy is to do my workouts at the playground/park while my older kids are at sports practice. Yes, it’s not ideal I still have four little kids to watch, but they’re generally entertained by playing on the equipment. And, sometimes I forget to wear proper workout clothes. I ended up doing resistance exercises in flip flops last night, but it still works! My kids actually think it’s sort of funny that I’m the only mom hanging from the bars myself! I love it that I don’t just sit on the bench and watch my kids anymore. It feels so good to jump in there and be active WITH my kids.

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