Dark nights and cold weather make babies…’s a proven fact*

You don’t have to try very hard to make a winter evening romantic, but if you are looking at ideas for a romantic night in (I’m talking to you Essex Husband – this *may* be a post aimed in your direction) then this is a good place to start.

My Ideas For A Romantic Night In

I’m an old-fashioned girl. I like conversation, laughter and connecting with people. My idea of romance is an evening of Scrabble or Chelmsford Monopoly, enjoyed over a glass (or two) of red wine while sharing a bag of my very favorite Reeces chocolates or tucking into a delicious cheese board.

Ideas for a romantic night in

There is a time and a place for sexy underwear, but for this evening of romance and reconnecting then it’s all about the understated comfort of a nice dressing gown found at for me. You can always have the frills and lace on underneath for later if you so wish.

My ideas are simple ones that don’t have to cost a fortune, but they allow you to remember how much fun you can have together as a couple without the distractions of the modern world.

An evening with the TV turned off can help turn you on….I might have to copyright that one!

What are your top ideas for a romantic night in?

*it may not be a proven fact that dark nights and cold weather make babies but I’m pretty sure I’m right.

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